Posts by Year


KeepMyFood iOS app released

5 minute read

To all my millions of readers, I have an announcement to make: My first iOS app, “KeepMyFood,” was recently released and is now available on the iOS App Stor...

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A Gentle Introduction to RxSwift, Par...

3 minute read

Ok, so it’s been a little while since I wrote the initial post for this series on RxSwift, entitled “A Gentle Introduction to RxSwift, Part 1.” Almost a year...

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Quiver—The Best Programmer’s Notebook

4 minute read

For a number of years, I’ve been accumulating tons of bookmarks in Google Chrome. For the most part, how I’ve been using them is ok—I usually have them orga...

A Gentle Introduction to RxSwift, Par...

3 minute read

In late 2017, I started an iOS developer position in London that required my learning RxSwift. At the time, it was a pretty foreign concept to me—I’d heard ...

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Switched from Wordpress to Jekyll/Git...

less than 1 minute read

So, I just switched over to use Jekyll and GitHub Pages to host and create this blog (from WordPress). There was definitely a bit of a learning curve, but I...

ERJustifiedFlowLayout for iOS

less than 1 minute read

I recently finished my first open source project—ERJustifiedFlowLayout (link to project on GitHub)! It’s a tool for an iOS UICollectionView, which is an incr...

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Summer research project I participate...

5 minute read

This summer, I was accepted into a NSF-funded (National Science Foundation), two-month research project at Indiana University in Bloomington.  Sponsored by t...

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